Dashing Around 

Today is the Warrior Dash and it’s my third and Husband’s fourth time doing it. I’m less excited because I’m tired but also feeling a bit anxious in my gut because I start a new job on Monday. Yep. Wow.

Anyhoo. I half expected Husband to bail this morning because he has aches and pains and he’s a man’s man, so he’s telling me all about them. In detail. Baby. Sore throat; sore something else; tired; painful wrist and probably something else. I’ve got a few things going on, too, but do you hear me boohooing? It all boils down to age. We’re old, closing in on 40. And I’ll reinforce that notion by adding that Husband realised one of his injuries post-coitus. So literally, fucking old.

It was a fun run and it was fun when it was over. I only bailed on one of the obstacles because I am afraid of heights and couldn’t reach the other side with my leg before pushing myself over, therefore I would have died. So I climbed back down and moved on. Kudos to me for climbing the bastard to begin with.

Beer, burgers and then naps for all and sundry after we got home and today, I don’t feel much the worse for wear except for runner’s thighs the morning after. All in all, a satisfactory way to flog myself with a smile on my face.

It’s NOT a Man Cold

It’s totes legit. First of all, it’s me that is sick, not Husband, and second of all, I have been doing everything I could think of to avoid getting sick this week, rather than declaring myself useless and retiring to the luxury of uninterrupted sleep. Husband would vomit just thinking about the amount of apple cidar vinegar I have consumed this week. I’ve been taking echinacea and stinging nettle (for allergies) plus sachets-a-plenty of vitamin mixes. I’ve rested when possible, though it’s rarely probable. But today I felt simply awful, and was worried that I’d be sick or pass out behind the wheel on the way home from swimming. The boys were devastated not to go out for dinner, but I placated them with frozen pizza – thank you Costco – and after inhaling some ibuprofen, I actually felt a lot better. Better enough to eat some pizza as well, and warm enough without aches and shakes to move away from the fire. I sure know how to make a mofo’ing fire.
Bed time will be bearable, and then I can get into my own bed with the electric blanket.. I’m sucking down a goddamn litre of tea, and if I put on enough lip cream, my lips won’t dry out too much while I breathe loudly and unladylike through my mouth. With any luck, I will look as put together as Kathryn Heigel does in the vix ads.
