Husband is a helper, too.

Shopping with kids blows, but they know how I roll; they know what they can get away with, and I know what else they will try and get away with. I have a list; sometimes 6.5yo writes his own or rewrites mine. And sometimes, if I forget the list, we can all think about what we (want) need to make a new one. Everyone can help get the fresh stuff, and even 3yo can grab bits and pieces – though is he not great at putting them into the trolley gently.
Husband, on the other hand, tries to be helpful, but is, in fact, the opposite. He took the shopping bags out of the car this morning, and while it was a kind hearted mistake – he was clearing my seat for me to sit down – it was the first sign that shopping with Husband in tow was my mistake.
He wants to be helpful by pushing the trolley, but that is my job and gives me a little bit of zen so I don’t throttle him or the kids among the melons. It also lets the boys know that when I pull over to the side of the aisle, we are !stopping!, so “this is our area”, and then everyone can help get what we need. Unless your arms are too short to reach (past the top of your own head) down into the trolley and place items gently, in which case you have your first tantrum. Or unless Husband has grabbed whatever it is already, and not left any chance for the boys to help. Hmmm. Insert evil eye here.
He questions the things on my list, and questions my brand choices. I have my reasons, but not the patience or time it would take to explain them. Eyebrow raise challenge.
He disagrees with how I keep the boys occupied (sometimes I buy them snacks or promise them a matchbox car), disagrees with what I buy or why I buy it *see end of previous paragraph*, and gets fussy if it all takes too long.
He is worse than the kids, and honestly, I’d take the kids shopping without him any day, rather than have him come along and cry about it *see first sentence*. But perhaps if I am better prepared next time, I will have treats for him when he behaves, a snack, and maybe, a car. I know he wants to help, just like they do, and while he isn’t necessarily shaking the box of taco shells like 6.5yo, or dropping the fruit like 3yo, I should have him bringing back things from the other side of the store, at least so I have some downtime between his little peeves and so he can walk out his sillies for a few minutes, and still have the satisfaction of helping.
And a nap afterwards, of course.

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